Thanks for all the great content at sbnbv.leadsandappointments.com! It's truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity for genealogy education.
I consider Legacy Webinars my private university for any genealogy and DNA subjects.
This is my go-to website for learning about ANY genealogy topic.
Thank you for developing the Down Under series this year, I have been thoroughly enjoying all of them. The lectures have been wonderfully varied and targeted to our ANZ needs.
Field trips & expensive seminars are out of the question, so your webinars are a pot of gold for me. The quality is top drawer.
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I just found my great grandfather's passage record on My Heritage during this class. THANK YOU! You pointed the way. I have been looking for YEARS!
Genealogy education is always worth investing in. Saves a lot of time and grief, and "doing over".
It's always a pleasure to sit back and relax with a hot cup of tea, a sandwich or a glass of ice tea and listen to one of legacy family tree webinars whenever I want!